Sensory Stories # 49: The Neuroscience of Sensory Intelligence®

Posted: 16 August, 2022

By: Annemarie Lombard

Sensory Intelligence

The brain is the most complex object in the universe. We have 100 billion nerve cells with infinite connections in our brains…. isn’t that amazing?! Sensory Intelligence® is fully rooted in neuroscience, our work is based on the anatomy and physiology of the brain and how it works.

You have 7 senses involving receptors and pathways that connect to the central nervous system. These sense systems receive millions of bits of information from outside the body – through the environment in which we see, hear, smell, taste, touch/feel and move. When this information reaches the brain, it is processed by a hierarchy of systems. Sensory intelligence focuses on the primitive part of the brain, the area that sensory information reaches first. Our research centers around self-regulation through the senses as opposed to self-regulation through cognition. Watch the video to learn more.

#sensoryintelligence #neuroscience #sensoryprocessing #selfcare #selfregulation

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👉 Get a FREE, quick and easy introduction to assessing your sensory style by taking our Sensory Quiz™.

👉 If you want to know how your sensory thresholds work, do our online Sensory Matrix™ and learn new things about yourself.

👉 Sensory Intelligence® will help you to understand yourself and others better, make different choices and adapt your life to be healthy, happy and productive.

👩🏼‍🎓 Annemarie has a PhD in Occupational therapy, Health Sciences and continues to be fascinated by sensory processing and the impact it has on our lives. She works with a dynamic team and a group of licensed users of the Sensory Intelligence® tools. She has also written a book, “Sensory intelligence, why it matters more than IQ and EQ”, which you can buy here.

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