What is Sensory Intelligence®?
Posted: 23 May, 2016
By: Annemarie Lombard
Knowing about your senses (see+hear+touch+taste+smell+move) and how they respond to your daily environment is important and can make a huge difference in your life.
How does it work?
It is based on primitive, unconscious brain-body responses: Your brain responds to the millions of sensory messages you receive at any given time per day through an individual filtering process. This facilitates all daily responses and/or actions.
How do we evaluate sensory intelligence®?
Through a standardised sensory assessment process.
What is the value of sensory intelligence®?
- Identify direct connections between sensory processing styles and performance.
- Make effective, appropriate and valuable changes to your environment and/or personal working methods.
- Increase performance and teamwork – create happy, productive environments.
What are the processes involved in sensory intelligence®?
Discover your sensory style by completing your Sensory Matrix™ assessment – Acknowledge the impact on life, work, relationships – Adapt and do things differently to optimise your sensory style!