Are your work teams collaborating?

Posted: 20 May, 2016

By: Annemarie Lombard

Are your work teams collaborating

The business world is rapidly changing and our worlds are being turned upside down due to the economic climate. It has never been more crucial for companies to ensure that their teams are effective, can manage the stress of the current climate, are utilised effectively, and can lead with confidence, making relevant and strategic decisions. Talent management with regard to knowing who your teams are and what they do best is now crucial.

The reality is that the recession is pushing us outside of our comfort zones. In the business world measures of stress, uncertainty, and anxiety have hit the roof. Our worlds are becoming sensory overloaded while demands and expectations increase, often with support structures lagging behind.

Are your teams prepared for this? Can they now function better than ever?

Organisations should now more than ever ensure that they identify their talent, keep them close and look for hidden talent in their midst. What then is Sensory Intelligence® and what does it have to do with teams and talent? Well, teams and talent are people: am I right? The more you know about the humans occupying the central/key structures of your business, the better you are equipped to ride through these uncertain times. People remain the best resource within organisations, and investing in human capital still delivers the best long-term returns.

Sensory Intelligence® is a powerful way to get back to basics, i.e. the human body and brain. The human brain has stayed exactly the same through the centuries; it is a matter of making sure that we use it wisely and optimally within our changing world. Every person has a particular sensory style, in that the core body-brain connections are wired uniquely for each individual. Sensory intelligence® takes this down to the subconscious and survival parts of the brain. We experience the world through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and moving. This is the entry level where the brain absorbs the world, responds intuitively and then releases the higher function of the brain (often called the CEO of the brain) to perform accordingly. The survival and entry-level functions of the brain drive what happens later with regards to our attention, emotion and behaviour.

Sensory Intelligence® uses a standardised methodology to assess teams to determine their entry-level, survival and unconscious brain responses. Remember a time when you responded without thinking? Or only a split second too late realised that you had acted inappropriately? Well, this is the sensory brain, responding intuitively to that input and preparing you for fight/flight/fright responses without first checking with the upper parts, the CEO. That is basic human survival and is very necessary. But, yes, often it lands us in hot water. Based on individual thresholds, we respond differently to environmental stimuli. Individuals with low thresholds over-respond, since their brains, absorb information faster and more intensely. They don’t miss a thing and are most certainly the persons you need checking your finances and human resources: but, inevitably, they are often seen as finicky, difficult and pedantic. They respond to the environment faster and more intensely, hence recognising disaster a mile away. On the other hand, extremely high threshold individuals under-respond, since their brains absorb only what is perceived as relevant and most prominent. They have the ability to work in crazy environments, driving change and diversity with resilience. Diversity – yes, conflict – yes, necessary – absolutely yes.

Sensory Intelligence® will connect individuals in teams with their core body-brain comfort zones. They will know intuitively what they do best, drop unnecessary labels acquired due to misunderstanding behaviours, and ultimately bring balance to a team. By capitalising on this level of sensory diversity, individuals will be assigned roles they are intuitively driven to.

It also unfolds conflict in teams on a different (more acceptable) level in order to drop negative labels and acquire positive ones. When team members understand each other based on their sensory coding, it shifts understanding and tolerance within teams significantly. Teams then shift to a different level, get the work done and use team members to their full potential.

Balance in teams is crucial and, by ensuring that there are various thresholds within a team and resourcing them according to their team roles, you are sure to have a strong, top performing team.

Is your team collaborating and do they need a nudge in the right direction

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