45% of people like to walk barefoot. Are you one?

Posted: 14 August, 2018

By: Karlien Terblanche


Imagine yourself walking barefoot in a lush, green garden. The sun is shining warmly on your back and there is a gentle breeze teasing your hair. Now imagine the feeling of soft, moist grass between your toes … Or you’re on holiday, and after a dip in the ocean you walk back to your towel with sand squishing through your wet toes and sticking to your feet.

What did you feel reading the above?  AHHH …. or ARGH!!!

  • AHHH ...
    Is the first thing you do when you get home to take off your shoes? Do you love the dirt on your feet when you walk outside and love the feeling of your skin touching the earth beneath you? You are probably one of the 45% of people who love to walk barefoot! You are also probably sensory seeking in your tactile (touch) system.
  • ARGH!!!
    Do you wear gloves while gardening, or doing the dishes?  Do you dislike it when your hands get dirty?  Then you might be one of the 55% who is sensory sensitive and tend to avoid getting your skin into contact with different textures.

How do we know this about you?
We are specialists in understanding human sensory systems. And by understanding your sensory system we can also tell a bit about you…

  • For instance the way you manage stress, and
  • How you respond to change in your environment, or
  • What you like to do in your free time.

Our sensory systems mainly fall into the 2 categories mentioned above – sensory seeking or sensory avoiding. This is true for all our senses; smell & taste, visual, auditory, touch and movement. It is important to understand each of your own sensory systems because it affects so many areas of your life:

  • It might affect your relationship if one partner is sensory seeking and one is sensory sensitive. Maybe you want to spend the evening quietly at home with a book, and your partner wants to invite the whole family for dinner, or go to a noisy nightclub!
  • It can affect your parenting style and understanding of your children. You might get completely overloaded when your children run around and talk too much, or when they love being dirty and playing outside and you don’t!
  • It even affects your workplace, what your ideal seating position in the office is, what kind of job works well for you and how you communicate with your colleagues.

Our sensory system is the cornerstone of how we interpret the world. Isn’t it time you find out what your senses are trying to tell you?

  1. If you would like to learn more about your own sensory assessment, do our short FREE Sensory Quiz™.
  2. For a comprehensive 25-page report with tips and strategies on how to reduce stress and live a productive, healthy and happy life visit Sensory Matrix™.
  3. For a 1-on-1 coaching session, we can put you in touch with one of our licensed practitioners.
  4. For team-building with a difference, contact us here.

We really look forward to hearing from you!

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