The ethics of trademarks and copyright

Posted: 21 March, 2019

By: Annemarie Lombard

Section: Corporate


“Sensory Intelligence” started in my head in 2000 when I returned to South Africa after living in the USA for 3 years. After loads of thinking, reading, contemplating and gathering information, I chose the name for my brainchild, opened my bank account and produced my first business cards. Google searches (back in 2002) showed no references to Sensory Intelligence in training, personal development or learning. The end result of this journey of creation – combining current theories and merging it with insights, knowledge, experience and research gathered up to then – have blossomed into what Sensory Intelligence® Consulting is all about today. It has taken continuous commitment and relentless hard work: literally years spent behind my computer, talking to people and organisations, trying, testing, more trying, more testing to realize the development of the business model it is today.

During 2007 I wrote the book: “Sensory intelligence, why it matters more than IQ and EQ”, and in 2012 I obtained my PhD through the University of Cape Town. I did a correlation study in South African call centres to determine the relationship between sensory assesss and performance. Although the journey has been long, tough and hard, I would not change it for anything!

While I started training parents and teachers, our services have expanded to call centres and corporate environments. Our primary objective is to empower and equip individuals, teams and organisations to be more connected, improve wellness and increase productivity, by providing insights of how the human brain processes sensory messages and increasing self-awareness and self-management.
We do:

  • online sensory assessments
  • workshops
  • seminars
  • coaching in the education-, call centre- and corporate environment, for both teams and individuals
  • sensory audits and space optimisation consultations for organisations, especially where open plan offices are the norm

Please take note that we have the following legal trademarks in place:

Sensory Intelligence Consulting is our legally registered brand name with registration number: 2006/08389.

We reserve all rights to our other trademarks including:

  • Sensory Tree (assessment analogy)
  • Senses on Call (on-line recruitment tool for call centres)
  • Sensory Matrix (on-line assessment tool for adults)

We have been actively using the trademarks since 2002 and have, in the process, built up substantial goodwill in the trademarks, which are synonymous with and exclusive to our business.

None of the above trademarks may be used by any individual, party and/or organisation without our permission. In doing so, trademark infringement will occur, and the party can be held liable for legal action. For more detailed information, read the following on trademarks.

We run comprehensive practitioners training courses on a yearly basis for an exclusive group of professionals, where we facilitate the use of sensory processing with adults.
I am thrilled to see this group of dedicated people expanding the magic of Sensory Intelligence® with their individual clients during therapy and coaching.

  • We endorse their services with individual clients and provide a licensed web listing on our practitioner’s page.
  • As practitioners they get a special fee for on-line sensory prof, to be used for their clients.
  • They apply Sensory Intelligence ® insights and may use the Sensory Tree™ with their clients, of which both should be given credit to as our work.
  • They may however NOT solicit any clients using our trademarks. This means no marketing / advertising / material distribution using our trademarks without permission.
  • In adherence to intellectual property and trademark laws no person or persons are allowed to use any of our trademarks (Sensory intelligence ®, Sensory Tree ™, Sensory Matrix ™, Senses on Call ™) to perform training groups of people without prior permission.
  • When incorporating independent contractors to work directly under our brand, they will have permitted access to our trademarks and material and selected from the practitioners’ group.

Copyright protection is in place for original work that I produced, e.g.:

For more detailed information, read the following on copyright.

Honouring others’ intellectual property in the form of trademarks and copyrights is not only professional and ethical, it is also the right thing to do!


Who has benefited

Sensory Quiz™
Sensory Matrix™
Senses on Call™
Social media
Sensory Intelligence®