Masterclass #3

Date: 30 September, 2024


Cost: $125

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Inclusive Design with Sensory Intelligence®

Join our masterclass for architects, interior designers, operations managers and design students!
Dive into the practical application of sensory intelligence® and learn neuroscientific design strategies to boost your clients’ wellbeing and productivity.

What problem are we helping architects, interior designers, operations managers and design students solve for their clients (end-user)

  • End-user comfort as a critical drive for well-being and productivity, for more inclusive design
  • Well-being: Mind (Psychology), Body (Nervous-System), and Emotions (Experiences) – aligning & regulating through sensory – elimination
    of stress and overwhelm
  • Comfort: how you feel and how your space supports you; improving: air quality, ergonomics, colour, auditory & acoustics, lighting – to solve discomfort in interior spaces
  • Productivity: Bombarded with environmental distractions making it harder to focus, causing stress and overwhelm; de-cluttering and ordering your inner & outer space so everything works better for you; to improve how you feel, function and perform

The agenda

*Annemarie Lombard
(Doctorate in Sensory Processing)

Sensory Coaching


**Renée de Waal.                 
(Registered Interior Architect)



1.    Introduction


2.   *Why inclusive design?

Context & innovation. Explaining the need to focus on people’s needs rather than aesthetics. Discussing the global shift towards inclusivity and sharing relevant data & research.

     **End-user comfort as a critical drive for well-being & productivity

Discussing the importance of creating spaces that support the user’s needs through various tools & assessments (e.g. sensory tests, axiology-based assessments PRISM brain mapping assessments).


3.    *The neurodiversity discussion & DEIB

DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) is becoming a company imperative. Explaining its global relevance and how companies are being pushed towards inclusivity.

      **Practical guidelines for neurodiverse-friendly design thinking

Offering ways of thinking towards environments that cater to neurodiverse individuals.


4.    *Sensory intelligence® – matching people & space

Explaining the importance of the environment in our work and sharing the organization’s story and approach to sensory intelligence®.

      **Integrating sensory design principles

Discussing how to incorporate multi-sensory experiences into design, such as forms, colours, acoustics, air quality, scents, and touch, to enhance user comfort and well-being.


5.    *Understanding neurodiversity – what is it, what does it mean, why is it important

Explaining ADHD and ASD in the workplace, their unique space needs, and the impact on productivity.

      **Applying principles of neuroscience to design

Exploring how to design spaces that accommodate both neuro-typical & neurodiverse individuals’ needs better; to enhance comfort and productivity.


6.    *The “messiness” of neurodiversity and why important identification | diagnosis is important

Addressing the issues of self-diagnosis and the importance of proper identification to ensure those in need receive appropriate support.

      **Inner & Outer Spaces – what are they and how do they affect one another

Discussing inner self-regulation tools, energy, and sensory aspects, and how they influence the design of outer spaces and our internal landscape.


7.    *Seven guidelines to incorporate neurodiversity into design

Providing practical guidelines for incorporating neurodiversity into interior design based on previous talks and research.

      **Case studies and real-world applications

Providing examples and case studies of successful sensory design implementations, demonstrating the impact on user well-being.


8.    *The Sensory Audit™ and how it informs design principles

Discussing the Sensory Audit™ process and its relevance in informing design principles.

      **Our E.S.P. Audit – using various frameworks to Evaluate Spatial Performance

Introducing the E.S.P. Creative Audit and its frameworks, including SERVQUAL dimensions and Maslow’s hierarchy, to evaluate spatial performance.

What will you get

  • Access to join our 3-hour online masterclass offering a clear and simple roadmap to help you elevate
    the end-user experience by incorporating inclusive design through a sensory intelligence® approach
  • You will get access to the pre-recorded session and supportive documentation on our learning management system for 90 days following your sign-up date
  • Shifting your mindset and tactics where opportunities await, fostering professional, financial and personal growth
  • Expert input and guidance from Renée de Waal and Annemarie Lombard
  • Access to the learning management system will be sent to you with payment confirmation

How do you benefit and what are the outcomes

  • Participants will review the basics of inclusive design, and the impact of sensory systems on human behaviour, emotions, and interactions with the environment
  • Participants will understand the importance and benefits of matching people and space
  • Gain clarity on neurodiversity and how to incorporate it into workplace design
  • Participants will learn about tools that improve self-awareness, as well as design principles to support a better engagement with interior spaces and the ability to creatively solve their clients’ problems
  • Participants will know how to choose and allocate a sensory processing approach for their clients’ unique sensory needs and productivity

Your facilitators

Dr Annemarie Lombard

is an occupational therapist with a PhD in Occupational therapy (OT) who landed in the corporate space by accident when doing her research comparing sensory processing with work performance of call centre agents.

She is the founder and CEO of Sensory Intelligence®, a sensory processing expert and a thought leader in this application.

Her passion for sensory processing, OT, and teaching others has kept her going since 2003, pivoting into the corporate consulting and training space.

Having successfully worked in numerous industries along the journey, both local and globally, she wants to share her insights for you to optimise your space and experience a renewed sense of focus, clarity, productivity and comfort.


Renée de Waal

is a registered Interior Architectural Practitioner with over 30 years of experience. She is the Founder & Chief Visionary of Xperiencemakers.

Inspired by “The Experience Economy” by Pine and Gilmore, her company focuses on creating interiors that shape how people feel and interact within spaces.

Renée’s commitment to well-being is central to her work, fuelled by her advanced daily meditation practice, which enhances her creativity. This mindfulness extends to her company culture, promoting collaboration and continuous learning.

Renée also launched, a platform exploring the intersection of design and holistic well-being, emphasizing the impact of thoughtfully designed spaces on overall health. By fostering this dialogue around well-being and the built environment, she hopes to inspire other designers to prioritize human-centred, sustainable and emotionally resonant spaces.

She and her team, are committed to leaving a profound and positive imprint on the world, one mindful space at a time.

3 Easy steps

It is easy:

  • Sign up for the self-directed, online masterclass ($125)*
    *Contact us for SA Residents & Group Bookings Discount
  • View the content in your own time
  • Implement and grow Use your learning as a guide

Elevate your inclusive design skills and elevate your business

By shifting your mindset and tactics, a world of opportunities awaits, fostering professional, financial, and personal growth.

Who has benefited

Sensory Quiz™
Sensory Matrix™
Senses on Call™
Social media
Sensory Intelligence®